Timbo and I arrived early, so I took advantage of the Terrace being in the sun and headed over to the Fieg wall and finished bolting a short and punchy line at the top of the Fieg wall area, with Timbo running around on the ground helping out (thanks Tim).
Tim and I then headed down to the terrace to join the other boys for our warmups.
Now warmed up, Timbo headed up Pinching Pigeons 26 and put the gear on, working out all the moves quickly.
Neil 'Monty' Monteith made a flash ascent of the cave classic Black Leg Min

Jas got back on his uber project that starts up Fresh Gording 26 in the back of the cave and then goes into the JRW's project, Pigeons Fanciers Nightmare cave traverse. Jas made good progress on this and was unlucky not to sink the crucial kneebar anout 3/4 of the way out and came off.
Jas Piper on Creature of Habit 27/8, Pic © Neil Monteith 2008
Pommy and Monty then decieded to have a go at Karma Gettin 26 (an 8 bolt extention to Toast 25) as JRW left the gear on it. The boys made some good progress on it, finding the opening moves of Toast quite bouldery. This then leads to a long resistance finish.
I went around to the Fieg wall and fired off Fog Horn Leg Horn 27 1st go today, clipping the new anchors this time, not the old lol, happy days.
Timbo then had another go at Pinching Pigeons and came close, but made an unfortunate foot mistake and came off, so close!!
Neil and Pommy kept workin on getting some good Karma, but unfortunately no joy there.
I then had a go at JRW's climb called The Troglodyte 25 which is a 2 pitch climb right of Toast. The 1st pitch isn't very inspiring and quite sharp and goes at 25. The 2nd pitch is very nice steep climbing, also at grade 25, so having done the 1st pitch a few years ago, I was keen to have a go at the 2nd pitch.
I went for a lap and got 3/4 of the way up and had a slumpy on the rope, I couldn't see the jug that was right infront of my face lol. But I made amends and sent it 2nd shot, a highly recommended route and a great find from JRW.
That's how the day ended, but Jas, Monty and Timbo were heading back the next day (Wed) for some more fun.
Sidenote - the next day (Wed) Jas sent his cave mega project and called it Creature of Habit 27/8 and Timbo sent Pinching Pigeons 26 last shot of the day. Nice work boys and congrats =)
The season up here is coming to an end with the warmer temperatures, but the 08 season has been good, with lots of visits from far & wide, lots of projects sent and plenty more to go, bring on 09. Hope you can make it up there next year, it will be an even better season.
There is a unsent 29 waiting and an unsent 30/31 both put up by George Fieg begging for an ascent =)
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